1. Dust devils
Curiosity captured this amazing footage of dust devils whirling spectacularly on Mars as summer winds blew across the Red planet. Dust devils form as a result of sunshine warming the ground, causing the convective rising of air.

It’s five years to the day since NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover
touched down on the surface of Mars – a staggering 248 million
kilometers (154 million miles) from Earth.
has many a space nerd hooked to its updates, providing huge quantities
of images and data to trawl through, and inspiring endless speculation
over the Red Planet’s features (and inhabitants).To mark Curiosity’s five years roaming our nearest planetary neighbor, RT.com takes a look back at some of the strangest images it beamed back to Earth.
2. Bone-shaped rocks

3. Star destroyer

4. Monster on Mars?

5. The Coffin

6. Itself

7. The breasted alien

The Star Destroyer
Spotted by UFO enthusiast Scott C. Waring this ‘Star Destroyer’, he claims is 2.5 to 3 metres in length so, “it probably only held a few passengers." Funny how alien craft are eerily similar to those
Spotted by UFO enthusiast Scott C. Waring this ‘Star Destroyer’, he claims is 2.5 to 3 metres in length so, “it probably only held a few passengers." Funny how alien craft are eerily similar to those

Alien woman with breasts
Martian women also have breasts apparently. At least that’s according to the good people at UFO Sightings Daily, though they are torn as to whether it is a living, breathing ‘woman’ or a statue

The Space Crab
“They will not tell the truth about MARS.” Exclaims the description on the Facebook group that discovered this gem. We don’t think they will either.

The Coffin
Aliens don’t bury their dead, apparently they just leave them in coffins on Mars's surface for all eternity.

Martian dust devils

Curiosity channelled its own narcissistic celebrity with a series of images last year. The Red Planet selfie, thought to be the first of its kind, comprises of 60 images taken while drilling into rock

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