Some people keep claiming WS-15 began bench testing on 2015, but according to this article, ground bench testing of the engine core was completed on 2005.…
Boston Dynamics Robots can now open doors and escape
Boston Dynamics posted a video of its SpotMini quadruped robot extending an arm out of its head to turn a handle. With the dexterity of a tray-carrying butler, it uses its foot to prop the door aj…
‘Like magic’: Scientists find way to make old human cells young again
Scientists have discovered how to make old human cells young again through rejuvenation. It’s an exciting discovery that could change the way humans age. Researchers at the University…
Google's Android Messages will soon let you send text from your desktop
Android Messages code suggests Google is planning to let users send texts from their computers (just like iMessage and WhatsApp) Google may soon be launching a service similar to iMessage and WhatsAp…
Super wood that is as robust as STEEL could be the building material of the future, claim scientists
A new wonder material has been created from a surprisingly traditional source. Super wood is as robust as steel and six times lighter. Scientists put the material through its paces in ballistic te…
Bell V-280 Valor Reaches 80 Knots
The V-280 Valor Joint Multi-Role Demonstrator from Bell Helicopter has shown it is capable of reaching a forward flight speed of 80 knots in recent tests. Keith Flail, the company's vice president…
Lockheed Martin 150-kilowatt and 300-kilowatt lasers
Lockheed Martin is being awarded a $150 million cost-plus-incentive-fee contract for Surface Navy Laser Weapon System Increment 1, High Energy Laser and Integrated Optical-dazzler with a surveillan…
World first in revolutionary rail gun technology
Photographs surface of ship-mounted electromagnetic weapon that could one day supersede traditional explosives with greater power, speed, range and accuracy. China is believed to be testing the wo…
VT-4 MBT automatic loading demonstrate
Royal Thailand Army demonstrate automatic loading VT-4 MBT …