Google announced major improvements to Gmail on the web to help people be more productive at work. You can start using these new updates in Gmail on the web today, with some features appearing with…
Footage of a black object falling from a rainbow baffles locals
UFO, bird - or just a smudge on the camera? Footage of a black object falling from a rainbow baffles locals and has War of the Worlds fans excited. A falling UFO eerily reminiscent of a scene from an…
Stealth ‘invisibility cloaks’ on regular Fighter Jets
China has for long been trying to develop stealth technology for its fighter aircraft, and the end results have been questioned by experts. However, the Asian giant seems to be taking the problem in…
Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion?
MIT has spunout a tokomak fusion project into Commonwealth Fusion systems. They want to apply modular designs to high-temperature superconductors. They want to get to stronger magnets that will shr…
‘Secret UFO Video’ from 1996 Space Shuttle Mission
STS-77 crew the last Space Shuttle mission ended on July 21, 2011. That’s nothing compared to how long it’s been since the first humans to land on the Moon in July 1969. That headline comes from …
Avengers Infinity War trailers
Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, Black Panther, Dr Strange, Spiderman, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Guardians of the Galaxy and the rest of the Avengers unite to battle their most powerful enemy yet — Thanos. O…
Alleged UFO ‘Mothership’ Filmed in North Carolina
Video of an alleged UFO sighting in North Carolina has surfaced online, prompting speculation of possible military testing of experimental aircraft – and aliens, of course. The sighting took place…
Pentagon's space-age $10M stealth boat designed for Navy SEAL ops and capable of hitting 70mph
An unusual Navy vessel docked in Norfolk Virginia on Monday had passerby wondering about the $10million space age marine curiosity. The M80 Stiletto, which name refers to its sleek design like tha…
J-10C may be more stealthy with new thrust vectoring nozzle
The photo, shows a Chengdu J-10C fighter flying with a modified exhaust nozzle for its indigenous Shenyang-Liming WS-10 Taihang turbofan engine. A recent image showed the J-10 with a number of upgr…