Photos - Weibo New version of Prepar3D® simulation software, as well as virtual F-35 and F-22 aircraft Mi-38 Multi-Role Helicopter Prototype Soyuz 2-1A rocket successfully launched from Baikonur tod…
TANAN 300 diesel-powered compact VTOL Tactical UAS
TANAN 300 diesel-powered compact VTOL Tactical UAS offers impressive 180km range and eight-hour flight time with a 50kg payload. Drones: How UAV's Have Taken Over Our Airspace German Schiebel Camcopt…
Taiwan’s stealth missile corvette : Tuo Chiang Class
Photos by Lee Chan Wei Taiwan’s first locally designed stealth missile corvette, the 500-tonne Tuo Chi…
Three types China Vertical Launch Systems
Type 052D CCL Multi-role Vertical Launch Systems (VLS) 052D DDG Type 052C HHQ-9 cold-launched VLS system (052C DDG) Type 054A HHQ-16 hot-launched VLS system (054A FFG) SA-N-6 cold-l…
Tenth Zhuhai International Airshow, November 11-16, 2014
Tenth Zhuhai International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, in Guangdong Province, will be held November 11-16. Around 130 aircrafts including J-31, Airbus A380, AC313, ARJ21-700, J-10, Hercules C-…
Antares Rocket Explodes
Antares Rocket Explodes! An unmanned rocket carrying supplies to the International Space Station has exploded seconds after lift-off. ASA TV footage showed the Antares rocket, built and launched by O…
Euronaval 2014 : Joint Amphibious Exercises
French Navy : CATAMARAN 2014 joint amphibious exercises Photos - French navy Euronaval 2014 : 27-31 October 2014 Euronaval 2014 : Maritime Surveillance Radar NH90 Caiman Multi-Role Helicopter…
Comparable TYPE 214 SUB VS AMUR 1650 SUB
A Layman's analysis : 1.INTRODUCTION AMUR 1650 SUBMARINE • It is a new 4th gen diesel electric ,export version submarine which is have been laid down at the Admiralteiskiye Verfi state-owned shipy…