We’ve heard of significant shortcomings before with the fighter jet that’s supposed to be America’s future, but this is just as bad as it gets. The F-35 performed so dismally in a dogfight, that …
Double-barreled rifle
Female Peshmerga fighter: ISIS jihadists fear us, think won't go to heaven if killed by woman …
Latest Russian sniper rifle T-5000M
Criss Angel demonstrate Rips 2 People’s Bodies In Half Then Puts Them On The Wrong Body …
WW3 ALERT: Putin To Western Elites ‘Your Time Is Over‘
Please read this speech very carefully, as Putin is not bluffing. He laid out the Russian doctrine very carefully with many warnings. He is planning war with NATO, Europe and America. Here are the ke…
US a surveillance superpower spying on foes & allies alike – Assange
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.(Reuters / John Stillwell) The United States has unparalleled surveillance capabilities that it…
Seer Advanced Digital Radar Warning Receiver Combat Simulation
F-15 Eagles Formation cockpit video Royal Thai Air Force F-16 skids off taxiway in Korat, pilot survives …
NH90 tactical and utility helicopter at Paris Air Show 2015
S-97 RAIDER - First Flight Point of View from Landing Signalman - MH-60S Helicopter Launch …
Pyongyang international airport new terminal visits by Kim Jong Un
Chi Power Demonstration - Heart Sutra - Lama Dondrup Dorje …