Dream comes true: Zhao Deli, 40, took off with his homemade drone. A homemade 'flying motorcycle' has taken to the skies, with its inventor on board. Zhao Deli, 40, was lifted into the air by eight …
Gravity human flying suit
Commercial 1000 horsepower Gravity human flying suit The first Gravity human flying suit was sold for 300,000 euros. Current versions of the suit sell for $440,000. They will add 3D printed wings fo…
Titans, Star Trek Discovery, Aquaman and various other trailers
There were various other trailers from Comic con like Titans, Aquaman, Dr Who and more. Star Trek Discovery Season 2 will have Captain Pike and Spock. …
Russia cancels stealth Su-57 but will make improved Su-35
Russia is cancelling the Su-57 (aka T-50) stealth fighter. They built 11 planes in early production over the past 10 years. Each taking the integration of advanced stealth, electronics, engine and i…
The future of personal aviation? Startup unveils ‘safe & affordable flying car’
A Silicon Valley startup has unveiled an all-electric flying vehicle that can travel up to 25 miles at a speed of 62 mph. Known as the BlackFly, the aero car requires no special skills to o…
Robot dog can run, jump and climb in MIT's vision of the future
Seeing the Cheetah 3 robot from MIT leap, gallop and climb a staircase littered with debris is almost enough to make a person prepare to welcome our new animatronic overlords. Footage…
New drone Yaoying-2 makes maiden flight
A Chinese home-grown strike drone made its maiden flight on Tuesday, according to its developer, state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China. The Yaoying-2 can carry out civilian tasks such …
DARPA’s future ground vehicle will not fly but will not need roads
DARPA GXV-T wants future combat vehicles that could traverse up to 95 percent of off-road terrain, including slopes and various elevations. Capabilities include revolutionary wheel-to-track and sus…