Russian military off-road vehicle Russian documetary on MiG-25/31 Interceptors Textron Systems - Ship To Shore Connector (SSC) Amphibious Landing Craft Simulation Galileo satellite system deployment…
Mi-171E helicopters fly over Xinjiang
PLA Air Force Mi-171E helicopters fly over Xinjiang. Fly over 4500 meters above sea level for joint exercise training over snow-covered plateau. …
Type 055A destroyer planned design
Type 055A destroyer Photo - Ukraine Independence Day Parade 2014 Tank biathlon - 2014 - A Belarusian review Russian documentary on Su-24 Fencer F-35B STOVL Stealth Fighter Wet Runway &…
Tank Biathlon 2014 Video
Airbus A350 water ingestion tests Fire Stinger Missiles. $40,000 a shot - More than yearly income for some folks Tank Biathlon 2014 World Championship T-72 Tank Russia wins the final race of this ye…
Klewang-class stealth patrol ships resumption
Klewang-class stealth patrol ships Klewang-class stealth patrol ships. Indonesia confirms resumption. Advanced High Performance Reconnaissance light Aircraft (AHRLAC) Europe’s fifth and six Galileo s…
Shanghai to San Francisco in 100 minutes by supersonic submarine
China has moved a step closer to creating a supersonic submarine that could travel from Shanghai to San Francisco in less than two hours. New technology developed by a team of scientists at Harbin…
Taiwan Air Force Mirage 2000 Video
RoCAF Taiwan Air Force Mirage 2000 missile firing footage Ferrari races a Russian Air Force Su-30. MD 530G Scout Attack Helicopter X-47B X-47B US airstrikes in Iraq Aug 16 2014. Air strikes near Mosu…
JY-11 air surveillance radar equipment displays in Venezuela
Venezuelan army displays air surveillance radar equipment JY11 made in China US airstrikes 18 August 2014. In Iraq on armed trucks and armored personnel carriers Sea Trials of Ghost Marine platform f…
Second Flight Test Of New Ultra High-Speed Missile
Artist’s Rendition of the Wu-14 Falcon HTV-2 (AP Photo/DARPA) China recently conducted the second flight test of a new, ultra-high-speed missile that is part of what analysts say is Beijing’s global …
Gaofen-2 a high-definition Earth observation satellite was launched
The Gaofen-2 was launched from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north China's Shanxi Province at 11:15 a.m. Beijing Time. It was boosted by a Long March-4B carrier rocket. China successfully …
Type 055 Destoyer Picture
Type 055 Destoyer Type 055 Cruiser Test Rig at Wuhan, Hubei. New 3D surveillance radar. Taranis UCAV Bell V-280 Valor Future of Vertical Lift Takes Flight third generation Tiltrotor helicopter Obor…