The catapult. Credit:@wuminggaodi

Ma Weiming, the head of the team that has won a top national
award for the invention.
Mil.tiexue.net report that Chinese scientist has built a full-size prototype of electromagnetic catapult. The catapult has passed all the tests and have to be tested when it is installed on an aircraft carrier.
China’s electromagnetic catapult is much more powerful than steam catapult in being able to help heavy AEW&C aircraft take off.
Ma Weiming, the head of the team that has won a top national award for the invention, told reporter in an interview China does not lag behind the US in the development of electromagnetic catapult as the US began its project of such catapult in 2009 while China had built a prototype to prove the theory in 2011. Ma believes that China’s electromagnetic catapult is as good as US one and more advanced in some areas.
J-20 and J-10
9.3 Victory Military Parade
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