New KJ-500 to Replace KJ-2000 as Major AEW&Cs


Gulfstream G550
According to Hong Kong media, in the military parade on September 3, will show off its new KJ-500 for the first time.
The article at the Talking on Weapons & War column of the website says that KJ-2000 will absolutely be the leader in the parade formation of KJ-500s that have already appeared in the dress rehearsal of the parade will be the focus of people’s attention.
Undoubtedly KJ-500 will be deployed in large number as it is more cost effective though we do not know how much KJ-500 is inferior to KJ-2000 in functions. It regards the use of AEW&Cs second largest instead of the largest as the trend in the world though the US has deployed its largest E-3 AEW&Cs.
It says that E-3 has been designed for large-scale air battle between superpowers without sufficient support from the ground. In air battles near homeland with sufficient ground support, there is no need for such large AEW&Cs.
It says that even Israel uses smaller AEW&Cs similar in size to Gulfstream G550.
KJ-2000 uses IL-76 as its platform that is not available in large number, China has to use its homegrown transport aircraft Y-9 as platform to make KJ-500 to satisfy its troops’ demand for quite a few AEW&Cs.
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