The S100 Seaplane fixed-wing UAV, built by Shanghai UVS Intelligence System Co., is on display in Zhuhai this week for Airshow China.
The first Chinese-made amphibious UAV has been unveiled at the Airshow China in Zhuhai, in the southern province of Guangdong near Hong Kong.
Built by Shanghai UVS Intelligence System Co., the prototype S100 Seaplane fixed-wing UAV can be equipped with infrared, optical and synthetic aperture radar packages.
A company official said customers interested in the S100 are governments with requirements for coastal surveillance or near-ship surveillance.
The S100 has a cruising speed of 185 kilometers per hour, an endurance of eight hours, a 200-kilometer range and a payload capacity of 240 kilograms.
The aircraft has received certification from the European Aviation Safety Agency.
By WENDELL MINNICK. China Unveils First Amphib UAV | Defense News
CASIC Reveals New Stealthy WJ-500 UAV
ZHUHAI, CHINA — The China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp. has unveiled a new WJ-series UAV.
CASIC says its multipurpose, subsonic WJ-5oo UAV has an angular, stealthy design that gives it a low radar signature.
The angular, stealthy design of the multipurpose, subsonic WJ-500 — on display this week at Airshow China — gives it a low radar signature allowing for “great defense penetration” and provides for a variety of missions, including simulating the characteristics of cruise missiles and aircraft, according to the company.
As a combat platform it can handle a variety of payloads, including photoelectric, reconnaissance and synthetic aperture packages. Missions include reconnaissance, targeting and damage assessment.
As of 2014 China has over 300 companies in the UAV business.
NORINCO shows off its Sharp Eyes III rotary UAV at Airshow China in Zhuhai this week. (Wendell Minnick/ / Staff)
ZHUHAI, CHINA — China North Industries Corp. (NORINCO), better known for building tanks and infantry vehicles, has developed an unmanned helicopter.
The company revealed its Sharp Eyes III UAV this week at Airshow China in Zhuhai.
The multitask military UAV can be equipped with a charge-coupled device camera, infrared laser, electo-optical equipment, targeting sensors and illumination for semi-active laser-guided bombs. Missions include reconnaissance, targeting, damage assessment and battlefield situational awareness.
Airshow China, which is being held Nov. 11-16 at Zhuhai in the southern province of Guangdong near Hong Kong, is known officially as the 10th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition. ■
S100 is built by the Spanish company Colyaer. The Chinese are just taken the plane and equipping to be a UAV.