KLJ-7A AESA fire control radar for JF-17
根据展商透露的数据,在针对雷达反射面积为5平方米的目标时,经过改进后的KLJ-7A雷达在空空模式下的探测距离上要比原型提升了65%,如果拿目前主 流的轻型战斗机雷达,例如以色列的EL/M-2032雷达进行比较,KLJ-7A雷达在探测同类目标的距离上要大70%;而和瑞典PS-05/A雷达比较 时,KLJ-7A的探测距离也要远40%以上;配备相应雷达之间国产轻型外贸战斗机的性能也一下子从使用KLJ-7雷达时期的“伯仲之间”变成“一马当 先”。
For 5 m2 RCS target, the radar detecting range under air-air mode is increased by 65% to the original model (KLJ-7), compare with Israel EL/M-2302, 70% better range, compare with PS-05/A from sweden, 40% better effective range.

实际上,KLJ-7A雷达的这一性能不仅在同类轻型战斗机雷达产品中处于先进水平,甚至面对第三代重型战斗机机载雷达还具备相当的优势。KLJ-7A雷达 的探测距离不仅大大优于早期苏-27系列使用的祖克N001雷达,也要优于印度空军苏-30MKI战机使用的祖克N011M型无源相控阵雷达。如果考虑到 中俄双发在探测距离测量过程中使用的标准不同,而中国的标准相比之下更为严苛,这种在探测距离上的优势在实际使用中往往要比双方在宣传材料上的差距更加明 显。
.... much better than earlier version of ZUKE N001 of SU-27, better than N011M PESA of SU-30MKI of IAF. Considering the different standard of "detecting range" between China and Russia, which Chinese one is more strict or tough, the advantage of the detecting range of KLJ-7A in real case will be more obvious than the brochure data.


美国APG-83雷达,也就是为台湾F-16V改装所设计的低成本AESA雷达,运用了大量F-35的APG-81的技术,、。该雷达的天线尺寸方面也要 超过KLJ-7A,但在性能上两者接近。中美外贸型雷达技术水平上基本相当,可以想见,双方主力战斗机雷达的技术水平也是在同一层级上的
the US APG-83 radar, for taiwan F-16V, is a kinda shrinke version of APG-81 of F35, has bigger array size than KLJ-7A, but their performance are on same level.

考虑到这只是一款供中轻型战斗机使用的轻型雷达,在主要探测指标上能压倒一系列重型战斗机的机载雷达,再结合该机雷达的尺寸、天线孔径和发射功率分析,该 型雷达的技术水平已经接近美国F-22上使用的AN/APG-77有源相控阵雷达,处于世界先进水平,也足见南京十四所在机载有源相控阵雷达上深厚的技术 实力和中国航空工业的飞速发展。
Regarding it's a radar for mid/light fighter, but it's major performance parameters can beat some heavy fighter's radar, and also consider the array size, antena aperture and transmit power, the technology level of this radar is very close to the APG-77 of F-22, which is among the best level in the world.... blablablabla

除了探测距离外,KLJ-7A雷达还有着不错的探测范围。在搜索距离提升的同时,KLJ-7A雷达还进一步提升了多目标跟踪能力,将同时跟踪目标的数量从 10个增加到15个,并且同时引导导弹攻击其中的4个。并有进一步提升性能的可能。当然对于应用于中轻型战斗机的雷达而言,由于载机一次性携带的中距空空 导弹最多也就在4枚上下,目前的性能也就基本够用了。
........ the radar also improved the multi-target tracing ability, increased simultaneous-tracking-number from 10 to 15, and can attack 4 of them at the same time, and this performance can be upgrated when it's needed........

the radar has abundant work mode ---- scan/trace air/ground/sea target, guide missile to attack, synthetic aperture radar for map drawing, dog fight....etc. etc....

而有源相控阵技术更是让KLJ-7A雷达具备了诸多前辈没有的优点:该型雷达不仅很难用传统的措施实施干扰,反而可以利用其发射天线的技术特点实施电子干 扰作战;同时,由于雷达信号的发射和接收是由大量独立的发射/接收单元组成,无形中提高了雷达的工作可靠性,因为少数几个发射/接收单元的故障并不会影响 雷达的正常使用,一般来说,即使30%的发射/接收单元失效时,雷达系统仍然可以维持基本使用。同时相控阵雷达的多单元结构还可以使其在同一时间内完成多 种功能,使得战机在进行对空搜索、跟踪的同时,可以完成比如气象探测、地图绘制等功能,或者利用雷达的模式交替功能,在短时间内先后执行多种不同的内容。
....... immune to common electronic interference or attack, can impement electronic interference or attack to target, high reliablity, even lost 30% of T/R modules, the radar can maintain basic function. support multi mode/functions work simultaneously......etc..etc.


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  1. comparing with f-22 a huge price difference still no compromise in quality. my own observation says when block three with its major features I;e AESA, HMS/D targeting pod 3 axis Fly by wire and new engine that will lead it to cruse it a mach2.0 will come the must have to focus its attention on it. InshAllah!!!

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