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F-35B Lightning II aircraft takes off from the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD-1)
A former senior U.S. Navy official told USNI News that
Until now a focus on higher frequencies have not been a problem because low frequency radars have traditionally been unable to generate “weapons quality tracks.”
JSF and the F-22 are protected from higher frequencies in the Ku, X, C and parts of the S bands. But both jets can be seen on enemy radars operating in the longer wavelengths like L, UHF and VHF.
In other words, Russian and Chinese radars can generally detect a stealth aircraft but not clearly enough to give an accurate location to a missile
But that is starting to change.
“Acquisition and fire control radars are starting to creep down the frequency spectrum,” a former senior U.S. Navy official told USNI News.
With improved computing power, low frequency radars are getting better and better at discerning targets more precisely.
“I don’t see how you long survive in the world of 2020 or 2030 when dealing with these systems if you don’t have the lower frequency coverage,” the former official said.
Further, new foreign rival warships are increasingly being built with both high and low frequency radars.
“Prospective adversaries are putting low frequency radars on their surface combatants along with the higher frequency systems,” the former official said.
“The lower frequency radars can cue the higher frequency radars and now you’re going to get wacked.”
Nor will the Navy’s vaunted Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air (NIFC-CA) do much to help the situation. Firstly, given the proliferation of low frequency radars, there are serious questions about the ability of the F-35C’s survivability against the toughest of air defenses, the former official said.
“All-aspect is highly desirable against this sort of networked [anti-air] environment,” he said.
Secondly, the Chinese and Russians are almost certain to use cyber and electronic attack capabilities to disrupt NIFC-CA, which is almost totally reliant on data links.
“I question how well all these data links are going to work in a heavily contested [radio frequency] environment where you have lots and lots of jamming going on,” the former official said.
Moreover, in certain parts of the world potential adversaries —China and Russia— are developing long-range anti-radiation missiles that could target the central node of the NIFC-CA network—the Northrop Grumman E-2D Advanced Hawkeye.
Fundamentally, the Navy’s lack of an all-aspect broadband stealth jet on the carrier flight deck is giving fuel to advocates of a high-end Unmanned Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) aircraft that can tackle the toughest enemy air defenses.
Without such capability, the Navy’s carrier fleet will fade into irrelevance, the former official said.
Scientists Unveil New Stealth Material Breakthrough
A group of scientists from China may have created a stealth material that could make future fighter jets very difficult to detect by some of today’s most cutting-edge anti-stealth radar.
The researchers developed a new material they say can defeat microwave radar at ultrahigh frequencies, or UHF. Such material is usually too thick to be applied to aircraft like fighter jets, but this new material is thin enough for military aircraft, ships, and other equipment.
Today’s synthetic aperture radar use arrays of antennas directing microwave energy to essentially see through clouds and fog and provide an approximate sense of the object’s size, the so-called radar cross section. With radar absorbent material not all of the signal bounces back to the receiver. A plane can look like a bird.
“Our proposed absorber is almost ten times thinner than conventional ones,” said Wenhua Xu, one of the team members from China’s Huazhong University of Science and Technology, in a statement.
In their paper, published today in the Journal of Applied Physics, the team describes a material composed of semi-conducting diodes (varactors) and capacitors that have been soldered onto a printed circuit board. That layer is sitting under a layer of copper resistors and capacitors just .04 mm thick, which they called an “active frequency selective surface material” or AFSS. The AFSS layer can effectively be stretched to provide a lot of absorption but is thin enough to go onto an aircraft. The next layer is a thin metal honeycomb and final is a metal slab.
The good news: the material isn’t locked away in a lab but published openly, so it’s not going to surprise anyone.
An ultra-thin broadband active frequency selective surface absorber for ultrahigh-frequency applications
At frequencies below 2 GHz, conventional microwave absorbers are limited in application by their thickness or narrow absorption bandwidth. In this paper, we propose and fabricate an ultra-thin broadband active frequency selective surface (AFSS) absorber with a stretching transformation (ST) pattern for use in the ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) band. This absorber is loaded with resistors and varactors to produce its tunability. To expand the tunable bandwidth, we applied the ST with various coefficients x and y to the unit cell pattern. With ST coefficients of x = y = 1, the tunability and strong absorption are concisely demonstrated, based on a discussion of impedance matching. On analyzing the patterns with various ST coefficients, we found that a small x/y effectively expands the tunable bandwidth. After this analysis, we fabricated an AFSS absorber with ST coefficients of x = 0.7 and y = 1. Its measured reflectivity covered a broad band of 0.7–1.9 GHz below −10 dB at bias voltages of 10–48 V. The total thickness of this absorber, 7.8 mm, was only ∼λ/54 of the lower limit frequency, ∼λ/29 of the center frequency, and ∼λ/20 of the higher limit frequency. Our measurements and simulated results indicate that this AFSS absorber can be thin and achieve a broad bandwidth simultaneously.Conventional λ/4 Salisbury screen absorbers are widely used for high frequencies, but absorbers of microwaves with near-meter wavelengths can be very thick.1–3 Fortunately, work on metamaterials has shown that a resonant metallic structure printed on a dielectric substrate acts as a strong resonant absorber, and such a metamaterial absorber is significantly thinner than the wavelengths absorbed.4–6 For example, Costa et al. designed an electromagnetic (EM) absorber for a radio frequency identification device (RFID) system made of a painted patch array; this absorber had a narrow working bandwidth (865–868 MHz), but its thickness was only λ/44 of the resonance frequency.7
Ideal absorbers exhibit broadband performance. Research on active frequency selective surfaces (AFSSs) shows that a frequency selective surface (FSS) loaded with lumped elements, such as varactors8–11 and PIN diodes,12–15 can exhibit a tunable absorption bandwidth. For instance, an FSS absorber loaded with PIN diodes has a tunable bandwidth of 5.3–13 GHz below −10 dB,8 and using varactors in a three-layer FSS absorber can produce a tunable bandwidth of 1.8–2.4 GHz.14 Specifically, Kong et al. presented a tunable FSS absorber loaded with both PIN diodes and varactors for broadband application.16 These studies show that the resistance of the PIN diode and the capacitance of the varactor contribute to the input impedance of the absorber. At different bias voltages, the absorber impedance matches with free space at different frequencies, and thus the envelope of reflectivity curves measured at various bias voltages covers a broad absorption bandwidth. This result suggests that AFSS absorbers are practical candidates for broadband applications. As such, we believe it is possible to design an absorber that is both thin and that exhibits a broad bandwidth for near-meter microwave applications.
In this paper, we present an ultra-thin broadband AFSS absorber with a stretching transformation (ST) pattern for use in UHF applications. Using the transmission line (TL) model, we give the resonance frequency and the real part of the input impedance as functions of loaded and distributed parameters. The device's ST coefficients of x = y = 1 demonstrate its tunability and strong absorption. Then, to expand the tunable bandwidth, we apply various ST coefficients to the unit cell pattern. We also fabricated the proposed ultra-thin absorber, finding that its measured reflectivity covered a broad bandwidth in the UHF band below 2 GHz.
To meet the needs of applications in the UHF band below 2 GHz, we consider both the resonance frequency as well as the absorption bandwidth. Setting Cvariable = 1 pF, we optimize the dimensions of the unit cell pattern by using a genetic algorithm.18 In this optimization, the resonance frequency f0 must be smaller than 2 GHz and ideally as low as possible. (2 − f0) is the deviation of f0 from 2 GHz. The relative bandwidth is written as BW/f0, where BW is the bandwidth with the reflectivity below −10 dB. Overall, the goal function is
The unit cell of the proposed AFSS absorber is recognized as a microstrip line resonator loaded with a varactor and a resistor in the center. The electromagnetic wave is perpendicularly incident to the AFSS, with the electric field polarized along the E axis and the magnetic field polarized along the H axis. When the unit cell resonates, it exhibits pure resistance, and its total input reactance is zero. If the resonator is modeled by a capacitor Cs cascaded with an inductor Ls, the resonance frequency of the absorber will be . Figure 3(a) gives a rough equivalent circuit model of the absorber. Cvariable is the capacitance of the varactor. As the bias voltage decreases, the capacitance of varactor increases, thus shifting the resonant point to a lower frequency. The simulated results in Figures 3(b) and 3(d) agree well with the rough equivalent circuit model. As shown in Figure 3(d), the value of the resistor R is not equal to Rs. R is the resistance of the lumped resistor while Rs is the equivalent resistance of the distributed and lumped resistance. Figure 3(c) shows the electric field distribution for the AFSS absorber, with R = 700 Ω and Cvariable = 1 pF, revealing that the resonance state exists and may be important for deep absorption.
Figure 6 shows how fresonance varies with the capacitance of the varactor Cvariable, when compared with the simulated results calculated by the HFSS. The fresonance–Cvariable curve shown in Figure 6(a) was calculated according to Eq. (6), which indicates that the resonant point is a descending function of Cvariable. Figure 6(b) shows the simulated results with various Cvariable, which agree well with the calculated curve. However, there is still a small discrepancy between these two results. For instance, the simulated resonance frequency is ∼1.19 GHz at Cvariable = 1 pF, while the calculated resonance frequency is ∼1.21 GHz. This difference is mainly caused by the simplification of the TL model.
The resonance peaks combine the effects of interference and absorption. Figure 9 shows the volume loss density distribution of the designed AFSS absorber, where C = 1 pF and the resonance frequency is 1.19 GHz. Figure 9 also shows that both interference and absorption on the AFSS exist and contribute to the total energy loss. The loss on the AFSS is mainly produced by absorption from the resistive elements. Resonance happens at 1.19 GHz, where the equivalent circuit yields a strong electric field. The varactor guides the generated current through the narrow band-gap between the triangle and the semicircle. Then, with the help of a resistor, electric-field energy gets converted into thermal energy. The loss between the AFSS and the metal slab is mainly produced by destructive interference of the wave reflected from the surface and from the back.27–29 In this case, destructive interference exists but contributes little to the total energy loss. Most of the energy losses comes from absorption of the lumped resistive element.
Figure 10(a) shows the results of the HFSS simulations, showing the resonance frequency fresonance varying with the ST coefficients x and y, where Cvariable = 1 pF, R = 700 Ω, and d = 7 mm. The resonance frequency moves regularly from 0.8 to 1.64 GHz, with ST coefficients from 1.5 to 0.5 for x, and 0.5 to 1.5 for y. Figure 10(b) shows the tunable bandwidth varying with x and y, where the bandwidth is calculated with Cvariable varying from 1 to 14 pF. The tunable bandwidth moves regularly from 0.53 to 1.10 GHz, with ST coefficients from 1.5 to 0.5 for x and 0.5 to 1.5 for y. This result suggests that a pattern with a small ST coefficient ratio x/y leads to a high resonance frequency and also produces a wider tunable bandwidth.
Providing more numerical calculations, Figure 12 shows the distributed capacitance Cd varying with the ST coefficient ratio x/y. Generally, a pattern with greater x/y has a larger distributed capacitance Cd, while x/y more weakly affects the distributed inductance Ld. According to the TL model described in Figure 4(a), where two Cd are connected in parallel to Cvariable, the distributed capacitance Cd affects fresonance the same as Cvariable. In this case, a small (Cvariable + Cd) leads to high-frequency resonance, while a high (Cvariable + Cd) leads to low-frequency resonance. When Cvariable = 0.5 pF, the decrease in Cd greatly affects (Cvariable + Cd), increasing the resonance frequency. When Cvariable = 14 pF, the decrease in Cd slightly affects (Cvariable + Cd), leaving the resonance frequency unchanged. Thus, the tunable bandwidth is markedly wider for Pattern (1) than for Patterns (2) and (3). This result shows that the ST coefficients greatly affect the design of a broadband tunable absorber. A pattern with a small ST coefficient ratio x/y will effectively expand the tunable bandwidth.
Figure 15 shows the experimental results. As we varied the bias voltage from 10 to 48 V with the power control system, the resonant point moved to a higher frequency and covered a frequency band of 0.7–1.9 GHz below −10 dB. The total specific mass of the sample was 0.189 g/cm2. The total thickness was only ∼λ/54 of the lower limit frequency, ∼λ/29 of the center frequency, and ∼λ/20 of the higher limit frequency. As the bias voltage changed from 10 V to 48 V, the power consumption of each unit varied from 0.07 W to 1.65 W.
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