Jordan Peterson described how the US military determined that people with an IQ below 83 (1 in 10 people in the USA) could not be trained for anything at any level of the organization that was not counter-productive.
* the military is highly motivated to bring as many people as possible into the organization
* the military has used 100 years of statistical analysis to determine that bringing in people with IQ below 83 is a net negative
* if the military is as cognitively complex as the rest of society, then this means US society has a problem determining what to do with 10% of the population
India and Africa have more with IQ below 83 because of brain damage from malnutrition and disease
Nextbigfuture will point out with global economic competition that India, large parts of Africa and some other nations that have problems with malnutrition, high disease levels and stunting cause less brain development and lifelong IQ loss. This increases the number of people with IQ below 83 sometimes as high as 50% or more.
India has made some progress against stunting from 48% of children a decade ago to about 38.6% today.
They are improving stunting prevention by about 2.2% per year. Stunted children age and become stunted adults. Their brains remained damaged.
Stunting reflects chronic undernutrition during the most critical periods of growth and development in early life.
It is defined as the percentage of children, aged 0 to 59 months, whose height for age is below minus two standard deviations (moderate and severe stunting) and minus three standard deviations (severe stunting) from the median of the WHO Child Growth Standards. In India, 38 per cent of children younger than five years of age are stunted, a manifestation of chronic undernutrition. Stunting and other forms of under-nutrition are thought to be responsible for nearly half of all child deaths globally.
India has the highest number of stunted children in the world, (46.8 million children) representing one-third of the global total of stunted children under the age of five.
Stunting starts from pre-conception when an adolescent girl and who later becomes mother is undernourished and anaemic; it worsens when infants’ diets are poor, and when sanitation and hygiene are inadequate. It is irreversible by the age of two. Child survival and health is inseparably connected to reproductive and, maternal health.
As high as 70 per cent of adolescent girls in India are anaemic and half of adolescents are below the normal body mass index, which has an impact on the health of their future pregnancies and children.
Child Survival is linked to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
A lack of adequate food is a primary cause of death, under-nutrition and stunting; but the story of child mortality and malnutrition in India is not just one of poor diets. The lack of water, sanitation and hygiene practices – which leads to illnesses and life-threatening diseases like diarrhoea – is thought to cause of up to 50 per cent of all child malnourishment. 2.5 billion cases of diarrhoea in children under-five are recorded worldwide every year.
The avoidable deaths in the developing world are still about 14 million people per year from diseases of poverty and malnutrition. Many who survive are unhealthy and partially brain damaged.
The Health Initiative, Observer Research Foundation wrote Stunting, Malnutrition And Its Impact On India’s Workforce in 2017 and it was published on NDTV. The article was the second in a four-part series discussing key issues on providing nutrition in India. It is a joint effort by scholars from the Observer Research Foundation – Oommen C Kurian, Priyanka Shah, Tanoubi Ngangom and Dr Malancha Chakraborty – with inputs from the International Food Policy Research Institute.

India’s stunting situation is worse than in poorer countries in Africa. Data on over 168,000 children show that, relative to Africa, India’s height disadvantage increases sharply with birth order. They posit that India’s steep birth order gradient is due to favoritism toward eldest sons, which affects parents’ fertility decisions and resource allocation across children. Researchers show that, within India, the gradient is steeper for high-son-preference regions and religions.
China mostly avoided mass malnutrition and stunting and had high levels of literacy prior to economic catchup
China had 91% adult literacy by 2000. India is currently at about 72% adult literacy which is about China level in the 1980s.
China was in the range of 10% of the population being stunted and it is now down to about 4.6%.
What do these statistics mean ?
It is massively difficult to uplift people from poverty. It seems impossible to uplift unhealthy poor people with IQ below 83.
Unhealthy and malnourished populations will be a permanent underclass throughout their lives.
The world is trending to even greater economic competition with more Artificial Intelligence and robotics putting pressure on the global competition for jobs.
This means rising levels of capabilities will be needed to remain productively useful.
SOURCES- Jordan Peterson – Youtube Interview, Northwestern University, Health Initiative, Observer Research Foundation, Unicef, World Health Organization, American Economic Review Why Are Indian Children So Short? The Role of Birth Order and Son Preference By Seema Jayachandran and Rohini Pande
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