Shanghai JNCX launches the first unit of Type 055 DDG

    Type 055 destroyer  launches yesterday in the JNCX shipyard

Report have 113MW total power, is pretty insane (if accurate, a bit unbelievable),
If true this pretty much confirms that the 055 is using integrated electric propulsion. The ship doesn't require that much power for propulsion and conventional systems considering the heavier (15,000t) Zumwalt produces 78MW and has a similar top speed (33.5 knots).
The Zumwalt also produces 58 MW of reserve power while moving at 20 knots, meaning the ship requires 20 MW to move at 20 knots. The BAE 32 MJ rail gun requires 25 MW of power to sustain fire at 10 rounds per minute thus giving DDG 1000 the ability to accommodate 2 rail guns but the Zumwalt cannot sustain fire of even one rail gun @10 rounds/min or other energy weapons when travelling at full speed, there isn't enough power to be distributed.

Zumwalt DDG1000

If we assume 055 requires similar power as Zumwalt to cruise at 20 knots (20MW) then it will have >90MW in reserve power @20 knots. Where is all that energy going to? If the power figure for 055 is accurate then it is most definitely designed to field rail guns and direct energy weapons and other energy thirsty platforms. If not 055 then its successor variants will.





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