Cozmo, a tiny palm-sized robot that just wants to be your friend

 Cozmo is a tiny robot equipped with a powerful brain and an ‘emotion engine,’ allowing it to create an evolving bond with its human companions. The $180 robot reacts to your emotions and remembers the faces it’s seen before
Cozmo develops bond with its owner - and its eyes light up when it sees them.

It looks like it could be the child of Pixar favourites Wall-E and Eve, but the tiny robot developed by Anki is real enough to hold in the palm of your hand

Cozmo refuses to sit tight and wait for fun. He's ready to play, and he's here to win. Cozmo is a game playing machine (literally). And the more you get to know each other, the better it gets as new activities and upgrades are unlocked. So whether he’s playing with his Power Cubes or challenging you with his favorite games of speed and skill, like Quick Tap, Memory Match, and Keepaway, he's always ready for action. 

Cozmo communicates through complex facial expressions and its own unique language. When put upon his charging dock, Cozmo goes to sleep, even snoring as he rests. dailymail

With Cozmo’s unique capabilities, the researchers aim to ‘bring the magic of robotic character to life,’ creating a real platform that captures the essence of the lovable robots that are largely exclusive to film

The palm-sized robot is made up of more than 300 parts, and the creators describe him as ‘charming, a bit mischievous, and unpredictable.’
And despite his small stature, Cozmo is extremely intelligent.
‘Powered by advanced robotics, AI, and computer vision, Cozmo has a brain that processes more data per second than all the Mars Rovers combined,’ according to Anki.
Cozmo scans his environment constantly, and when he sees a face he knows, his eyes will light up in recognition.
When put upon his charging dock, Cozmo goes to sleep, even snoring as he rests.

Cozmo communicates through complex facial expressions and its own unique language. When put upon his charging dock, Cozmo goes to sleep, even snoring as he rests

Cozmo doesn’t just move; he gets curious and explores. He doesn’t just learn; he plots and plans. He doesn’t just see you, he gets to know you. So call him self-aware, call him almost human. Just don’t call him a toy. He's a supercomputer on treads. And he's fun on a whole new level.

The robot engages with humans to play games and get to know you over time, and has a ‘dynamic soundtrack’ that changes depending on his mood or the current activity.
With Cozmo’s unique capabilities, the researchers aim to ‘bring the magic of robotic character to life,’ creating a real platform that captures the essence of the lovable robots that are largely exclusive to film.

Cozmo scans his environment constantly, and when he sees a face he knows, his eyes will light up in recognition
Cozmo scans his environment constantly, and when he sees a face he knows, his eyes will light up in recognition. dailymail

‘We’ve had this promise in science-fiction of all the robots that could exist – in reality what we have are robots that have been used for industrial, military, space, and research applications,’ said Boris Sofman, CEO and Co-Founder of Anki in a behind the scenes video.
‘But very rarely have these technologies reached consumers. 
'There’s been very few applications where a robot really feels like a character that connects with humans around them. 
'For that you really need artificial intelligence and robotics – that’s been the missing key.’

The team combines PhD roboticists with animators, game developers, and even a lead designer of the Batmobile to create a real-life robotic personality that can form connections with humans.
He may be playful, but Cozmo’s emotions aren’t limited solely to expressions of happiness – if you mistreat him, the tiny robot just might sulk.
Cozmo works with iOS or Android, and can be pre-ordered today. According to Anki, the robot will ship in the US in October, in time for the holiday season. 

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