Unmanned surface vessel (USV) concept

A model of the 13 m unmanned surface vessel (USV) concept on display at Poly Technologies' booth at DSA 2016 in Kuala Lumpur. Source: IHS/Ridzwan Rahmat

The system, which the company refers to as the 13 m high-speed intercept boat, features a breadth of 4 m and a draught of 0.6 m.

"This is the first time that we are showing this outside China", said Zhu Yingzi, manager of the USV programme at Poly Technologies Inc., a subsidiary of the state-owned China Poly Group Corporation - an enterprise that has been authorised by Beijing to develop and promote Chinese-made defence materiel globally. Zhu was speaking to IHS Jane's at the DSA 2016 exhibition in Kuala Lumpur on 18 April.

"The interceptor has been developed by Poly Group Corporation in conjunction with Harbin Engineering University. A prototype of the USV is still currently being tested by the [People's Liberation Army Navy, or PLAN] and we [expect to have] an export version in about one year", said Zhu, who added that the prototype is currently being deployed to patrol a naval facility that cannot be disclosed.

According to further specifications provided by the company, the interceptor can reach a speed of 80 kt in a standard configuration that includes a high-resolution video camera and datalinks. The vessel can also be configured to follow a predetermined patrol route and track surface targets autonomously.

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